
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRANDcares)

Caregiver Training Guardianship/Adoptive/Foster Families Foster/Adoptive/Guardianship Youth


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRG) is a program of Colorado State University. It has the goal of providing useful resources and reliable, current information for grandparents that have taken on the role as primary caregiver for their grandchildren.

Although, grandparents' raising their grandchildren is not a new trend, the significant rise over the last two decades is alarming. As a result, grandparents are in need of resources as they meet the most basic needs (i.e., food, shelter, clothing, etc.) of one or more grandchildren who live with them. Local Colorado grandparents raising grandchildren have expressed a desire for online resources to be available to help them overcome barriers, answer their questions, and enhance their relationship with their grandchildren.

The GRG website includes research based information to HELP grandparents. HELP stands for Health, Education, Legal, and Parenting concerns.

Visit the website here

The GRANDcares program is a collaboration between Colorado State University and University of Hawaii. View the program summary here and a presentation on their services here.