
Positive Early Learning Experiences (PELE) Center

Case Management/Options Counseling Advocacy Accessibility Services/Adaptive Technologies Counseling/Mental Health Resources Navigating Systems (i.e. Medicaid) Guardianship/Adoptive/Foster Families Health Care and Wellness Intellectual/Developmental Disability Challenging Behaviors

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The PELE Center does the following:

  • Operate an early intervention program (LEAP Preschool) for young children with autism and their families conducted in concert with school districts around the country. The LEAP Preschool is one of eight programs nationally recognized as efficacious by the National Academies of Science.
  • Provide ongoing technical assistance to school districts aimed at improving the quality of evidence-based options for young children with autism and their families. Based upon the LEAP Model, this work has involved some 70 school districts in 22 states.
  • Provide technical assistance to local school districts, Head Start programs, and mental health agencies on key features of behavioral teacher and parent training that can prevent the occurrence of challenging behavior.
  • Perform research to address critical issues for young children and their families affected by challenging behavior.
  • Provide clinical services to children with autism, developmental disabilities and significant challenging behaviors.